Mamas’ Mondays

It’s either I forgot to set the alarm or I was in a deep sleep. Of all the days, not Monday!

Hezekiah’s Mondays back in WA

I usually wake up early everyday, ready to conquer my day but it just so happens that Mondays is different. Forcing to open my eyes and still hurting from yesterday’s exercise, I struggle to make a cup of coffee so I can start my busiest day- Monday! With breakfast to prepare and school bags and kids needing attention, I quickly brush my teeth, say “Good morning to Jesus and go about my day. I didn’t even have the time to brush my hair ( but hey good thing disheveled look is now a fashion), but yes my day has begun and time is ticking. So off we go hoping not to catch the Monday crazy traffic. Why Monday of all days?

Bell rings. We’re late already so I tell Hezekiah to run (even if it is not allowed in school). Some kids want to be carried. Some just don’t want to get in the classroom. Some would even run off, being chased by the teachers. This is reality of Mondays. Who could blame the kids? I’m an adult and I feel the same way!

I guess it’s a fact of life – Mondays is the busiest day because you just don’t think about the day Monday but the week ahead of you. It is like a whole brick wall is in front of you, telling you what’s up ahead but yeah, this is most mamas’ Mondays.

Monday and everyday breakfast at our home

So my question is how do we overcome our Mondays? Here is what I tell myself: I need to prepare on a Sunday and even a Saturday.

Yes, I only have 24 hours in a day. I need to plan the upcoming week, working around the family’s schedule and prepare the things we need before Monday. Food, supplies, clothes, house, school stuff and car ready before Monday. We do relax and go out as a family on a weekend but I have to think about the upcoming week in the back of my head. I still need help because honestly it can get overwhelming but as I plan and conquer my Mondays, I will have a great time from Tuesdays to Sundays!

P.S. I need to include in my planning is when one of the kids don’t want to go to school on a Monday! 😊

Run Mama, Run!

Training in progress

I am currently training for my first marathon on Dec 12th. The Honolulu Marathon is huge. Many even fly from all over the world to participate in this event. Why did I sign up? It was actually by accident. It just so happened that there was a class offered at the gym on how to run better so I signed up for a few weeks. I only wanted to know some techniques on how to run farther and not pass out. Given I have asthma, I didn’t want to run out of breath and not finish any run.

My coach was a 62- year old healthy looking lady, who already ran several marathons, triathlons, half iron man and the works. She’s even teaches spin class. She began asking me about my goal and if I was considering doing the upcoming marathon. I actually never thought about it. I registered for a virtual marathon last year but I never trained for it so I never ran. When she asked me the question, I knew this was it! It was time to do the marathon! . And why not? But what was I thinking? I’m a busy mom, I have a husband and three kids and yeah, a busy household. In the past I ran several short races but this was different and crazy. Well the next thing you know, I’m registered! I guess I’m crazy!

I’m turning 50 next year. I want to do something significant in my life before I turn half a century. And what a way to do it by doing a marathon! I do remember what my running coach told me. If this is my first marathon, I should just ENJOY! Hey, I can do that !

Now that I’m halfway in doing my training (following the Jeff Galloway method), I am still ENJOYING! I look forward to my long runs on weekends. I enjoy my group classes for more strength training. I enjoy running by the beach, feeling the wind, seeing the birds, the sunrise and all of God’s creation. I also dig my playlist (only Toby Mac songs make me run) and even hearing the timer go “work for 3 minutes, recover for 30 seconds). It’s just pure joy I tell ya!

However, I still need to put in discipline and hard work. I have to plan my days and actually do my run according to the recommended schedule. I am just glad that I am able to navigate my time around where my husband and baby sitter can watch the kids while I train. I try to do my short runs while the kids are in school and wake up early morning for my long runs and so far it’s been working.

A few more months and I can write about my accomplishment. Hopefully I get to tell you that I did finish the marathon and I was not last in the finish line. Pray for me!

For all the moms who are contemplating on doing a race or start a sport, I encourage you to do it. Your muscles will thank you, your family will thank you. Run, mama, run! 🙂

Jogging by the beach. Can’t beat this view!

Road Trip

Road trip here we go! Canada was tiring, maybe this time it would be better. Read Portland mom blog so it should be fun! First stop … Oregon zoo! …missed the turn. Caught in a long traffic…we have to ride the shuttle? In this heat???? Ok wow school bus it is. Come on kids we can do this…we will have fun! Ok everybody wants to be carried…let’s rent a stroller …worth our $11. Who wants to go on a train ride? Just me? We bought tickets already…hayayay! Ok what animals do you wanna see? Oh carousel? Ok! Let’s go for the merry go round, we have tickets already… forget the animals it’s just too hot! Hosanna, if you don’t behave I will leave you here in the zoo. I mean it! Ok let’s go home. So much for the animals… let’s return this stroller… lady can I talk to your manager? She’s taking a long time! Wait you’re the manager? Never mind! Go get lollipops girls… oh I like this… giraffe poop chocolates. Where’s hosanna? She ran away? No! Wait I’m still in line! Hanna look for Hosanna! Wait you’re only 4years old. Ok let’s hurry and look for your sister. Oh there I’m sorry sweetheart you feel bad. Ok let’s go to the hotel and recuperate. Forget the zoo! I won’t ever go to the zoo in the summer… or I might turn into a tiger! Grrr!


Exciting stuff to do… make a summer bucket list…forget summer camps they’re too expensive… create my own itinerary…wow two months of pure fun!…summer reading program…borrow books from the library, get books for baby too! …field trips! Farm, zoo, children’s museum, road trips… wait I’m tired already and it’s only been a few weeks… we’re staying home all day! Ok… but the kids are on their iPads the whole day! Though the house is clean and baby is taken cared of, I’ve created video addicts! Let’s go out again… free things to do in Washington…search mom blogs… create my own blog…vacation Bible School! Look for summer crafts on Pinterest…But Hosanna is screaming “art work again??!!!!!”… ok let’s go to the playgrounds… too hot…Hezekiah is overheating…let’s stay home…let’s do homework! Get you kids ready for kindergarten and first grade… 1…2…3… get to work girls! Don’t you say you hate Math!…ok Daddy will be gone for a week… gotta do exciting stuff while he’s in Texas. Should I do childcare? Or have auntie watch them? I’m torn really… I’m tired too… ok let’s hope school starts tomorrow… but we still have a month! Hayayay! So help me God! 😊

Snacks Volunteer

Vacation Bible School…
Snacks…VBS…pack everything…oh I forgot my purse…must drive back…kids…let’s register, wow what a long line! Ok let’s go… Hanna look for crew 6… ok bye…wait you’re name is not on the list. Come back Hanna! Ok Hosanna first… there crew 22. Bye! I love you! Ok Hanna let’s go back and cut in line…ok preschool 6…ok bye! Go to kitchen… first thing to do…eat! Bagel, blueberries. Ok great! Coffee later… wait feed Hezekiah first it’s 830am. Ok let’s do this…300 kids…wow lots to do! Ok Hezekiah crying… rock him while helping with snacks… done! Change baby now… eat some more… meet Filipino mom… wait, battery of feeding machine died! Plug…ok take home snacks yummy! Get a brown bag (jahi naman)… ok 12noon but Bebe not done! He has to be near the plug…ask help…ok running for Hosanna… can’t find her…run for Hanna. Got her… go back to look for Hosanna… found her! Ok load up! I’m tired… who wants McDonald’s? Me! Ok drive thru…lunch… haul the stuff back to the house… feed them snacks again… relax… FB …ok play time! Octopus game… and again… and again… ok attend to baby… crying… gosh I’m really tired…what time is it? Josh coming home? Play again… dead tired. I need a nap…Enough playing… daddy is here… I’m gone! Gym… grocery…feed kids… yay nurse is coming… ok good night!